Who I Am

about me

My background is in social science research, with three years of experience designing and administrating independent research projects. My passion for analytic problem-solving drove me towards web development. I have been practicing front-end development through building small projects since June 2014. I have also implemented several Wordpress websites for freelance clients. Since 2016, my main focus has been on back-end development utilizing the .Net technology stack.

Currently, I work as a consultant for Sitecore's professional services division. Prior to that, I spent six months as an instructor at Coder Foundry, serving as a mentor, project manager, and curriculum development specialist.


Check out some of my projects below, and feel free to visit my Github. On the front-end, my skills include HTML, CSS, Sass, Javascript, jQuery, and AJAX. On the back-end, I have used C#, .Net MVC, Entity Framework, LINQ, and Ruby. I have also written small programs in Python and R.

Javascript Exercises

Skills: Javascript, jQuery

Website Github
Bug Tracker

Web application for tracking issue tickets for web development projects.

Skills: C#, .Net MVC, LINQ, Entity Framwork, Sass

Website Github
Object-Oriented Javascript Quiz

Quiz application built using object-oriented Javascript and jQuery.

Skills: Javascript, jQuery

Website Github

App built as part of my Tealeaf Academy course, Intro to Ruby and Web Development.

Skills: Ruby, Sinatra, AJAX, Javascript

Website Github