This is my complete recommended curriculum for becoming a .Net web developer. It’s separated out into topics, which include learning resources, and projects. These are purely suggestions — you may find that other resources work better for you for mastering
How to Become A Web Developer: A Comparison of the CS Degree, Coding Bootcamp, and Self-Teaching
If you are thinking about becoming a web developer, chances are you are considering three options: 1) Getting a computer science degree 2) Attending a coding bootcamp 3) Teaching yourself After I graduated with a MA in Psychology, I considered
Getting Started in Web Development
Getting started in web development really begins with an understanding of programming fundamentals. This post lists helpful steps for learning programming before pursuing more advanced curriculums or tutorials.
Preparing for Spring 2015
It’s been a rough year. Seven months following my graduation and I remain unemployed. I’ve had a few leads that led to interviews in the past two months, but none of them panned out. On the other hand, in 2014
When You Don’t Need School
I learned a lot during college. How to communicate effectively to an audience, how to critically evaluate an issue, how to work on a team and how to work by myself. My education improved me as a person and was
Blend Conf, User Experience, and My Current Career Path
On Friday, I drove to Charlotte to attend Blend Conf, a conference featuring speakers on web development, design, and user experience. While I learned a lot about web development at this event, it also reminded me why I wanted to
It’s Ok To Give Up
Sometimes, there is nothing more liberating and fulfilling than giving up a dream. Since I completely and totally gave up my goal of a PhD, I’ve been accomplishing so much more. I’ve been socializing regularly and learning something new every
On Getting There
The hardest part about changing career goals is, of course, figuring out exactly how to do it. I’m used to the idea that getting a certain type of job means getting a certain type of degree. That’s not really necessary
Why I Am Leaving Academia to Learn Web Development
A little over a month ago, a terrible thought crossed my mind. What if there was nothing out there that I actually enjoyed doing? I had just come back from a trip to D.C. I had gone there for an alumni networking